House of Commons Library
Browse in-depth briefings for legislation and issues debated in the House of Commons. Explore interactive local data dashboards and quick-read articles on current affairs.
UK Parliament produces impartial analysis and research on a variety of topics.
Read our research on topics that affect the UK like the economy, health, and security.
Browse in-depth briefings for legislation and issues debated in the House of Commons. Explore interactive local data dashboards and quick-read articles on current affairs.
Authoritative and impartial research to support the work of the House of Lords and its Members. Find briefings and blog posts for legislation and debates in the House of Lords. We also publish research on topical issues.
Publications from POST (the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology) bridge research and policy issues. Our flagship briefings, POSTnotes and POSTbriefs, are publicly available. They are a product of peer review and rigorous horizon scanning. POST works on a range of topics including climate change, education, health and social care, digital tech and more.